
Building Business Capability - 2023 Conference

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Building Business Capability comes to Las Vegas, at the brand new Caesars Forum, on May 8 – 12, 2023. The conference enhances your ability to advance People, Product, Data, and Knowledge, to build your core leadership skills, to create a customer centric organization, and to deliver digital transformation.

Building Business Capability is the only conference that provides insight into:

  • Business Analysis
  • Business Architecture
  • Business Process
  • Business Rules
  • Business Decisions
  • Business Strategy & Transformation
  • Digital Innovation

...toward the pursuit of business excellence.


This year’s theme is Competing on Capability, with an emphasis on the essential skills needed to improve customer centricity. We have a brand-new program structure to accommodate it.

Four key tracks are:

  • Building People Capability
  • Building Product Capability
  • Building Data Capability
  • Building Knowledge Capability 

Trails cover Business Analysis, Business Architecture, Business Design and Business Leadership.


The agenda is extensive so to enable you to navigate according to your interests and current challenges we’ve grouped the sessions into Tracks and Trails. Whether you are a Business Analyst, Business Architect, Product Manager, or Data Professional you’ll find insight and inspiration to take back to your desk.

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