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RQA – QUALITY Studio® allows you to define, calculate, manage, and report quality for any engineering item. High-quality engineering items during the project concept and design phases help you avoid rework, and consequently delays and unforeseen costs.

RQA – QUALITY Studio® extends the quality analysis concept and now covers all the engineering items generated during the systems engineering life cycle. Quality must be managed not only within requirements but also within logical models (UML or SysML), physical models (MODELICA, Simulink, etc.), 3D models, test cases, FMEA tables… and even textual documents (e.g. a SEMP): all these types of engineering items can now be analyzed with RQA – QUALITY Studio®.


The current version of RQA – QUALITY Studio® extends the quality analysis concept and now covers all the engineering items generated during the systems engineering life cycle. Quality must be managed not only within requirements, but also within logical models (UML or SysML), physical models (MODELICA, Simulink, etc.), 3D models, test cases, FMEA tables… and even textual documents (e.g. a SEMP): all these types of engineering items can now be analyzed with RQA – QUALITY Studio®.

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