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This article will give cover the 10 most recent requirements management, application lifecycle management (ALM), and product lifecycle management (PLM) tools showcased in the tool directory.  Requirements management tools and lifecycle management tools are critical to organizations who have to deal with constant change in their product offerings and wish to more efficiently and effectively manage change.

10 Requirements Management, ALM, and PLM, Tools

What are Requirement Management Tools?

Requirements management is a critical function for any organization creating or maintaining products.  To those of us who have been in the software development/IT world, we are accustomed to the need for effective requirements management in order to successfully meet the goals of our projects and clients.  The best software management tools combine a number of reatures and capabilities enabling the sotware development team to achieve goals and benefits such as:

  • traceability
  • resuability
  • faster delivery
  • fewer defects
  • lower cost
  • redcued risk

What are ALM Tools?

ALM or Application Lifecycle Management tools support and organization's processes and framework of human and technical resources involved in the end-to-end activity of developing and maintaining software applications and platforms.  The first thing you might be wondering is how are ALM tools different than requirement management tools.   The simple answer is that requirements management is generally a subset or component of application lifecycle management.   Therefore most ALM tools support, to one extend or another, requirement management capabilities.

Some of the key capabilities and features found in ALM software include:

  • requirements management
  • estimation and planning
  • source code management
  • quality assurance and test management
  • change and defect management
  • DevOps including continuous integration and deployment
  • version control
  • team collaboration and communication
  • project and program management

What are PLM Tools?

PLM or Product Lifecycle Management tools, similar to ALM, support an organization's processes for the design, development, and manufacturing of products.  What differentiates PLM from ALM is that ALM tools tend to be designed and focused on supporting software products (digital products) whereas PLM tools go beyond software and support the unique manufacturing processes and supply chain needs of a wide variety of products such as consumer electronics, medical devices, automobiles, industrial machineries, and much more.

PLM tools share some features in common with their ALM counterparts including: requirements management, project and program management, quality assurance and test tracking, etc.  At the same time, product lifecycle management tools support many features not found in ALM tools, such as:

  • Bill of Materials (BOM) Management
  • Product Data Management (PDM)
  • Parts and Component Classification and Tracking
  • Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
  • Mechanical CAD (MCAD)
  • Electrical CAD (ECAD)
  • Electronical Design Automation (EDA)

Many PLM tools specialize in addressing the needs of vertical industries such as: oil and gas, automotive, food and cosmetics, electronics, aerospace, and much more.  

10 Most Recently Showcased Requirements Management, ALM, and PLM Tools

With the understanding of the relationships between Requirements Management, ALM, and PLM tools, let's review the 10 most recently such software showcased in the tool directory.  The order and type of tools is in showcase order and does not reflect any other characteristic or rating.  Summaries are as stated by the individual vendors.

Kovair Studio (ALM)

A comprehensive Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) product providing all the development functions from Requirements to Release with complete capabilities. Apart from standard ALM offerings, it also provides built-in integration support for 85+ ALM and IT tools from popular vendors, open sources or even homegrown tools. With Kovair ALM and its built-in PPM capabilities, you can manage, track and control the entire portfolio of programs and projects across the enterprise.

For more information, visit Kovair website.

Cadence (Requirements Management)

Cadence helps organizations get clear insight into project requirements form the start::

  • Software cost estimates made easier

  • Analyze requirements up to 125X faster

  • Automated Functional Size Measurement (FSM)

  • Advanced Discovery and Estimation

  • Faster Requirements Analsyis

  • Prove Flexiblity and Security

For more information, visit Cadence website.

ReqTool (Requirements Management)

Our integrated solution includes software development Requirement Engineering tools, which provide software engineering best practices, and services that unify cross-functional software teams while also addressing the unique needs of each member of the team. Our solution covers the crucial phases of the software development life cycle and automates proven software development best practices. We also offer a range of services to our customers to help them better implement our solution. Our goal is to help organizations increase both the speed and quality of their software development.

For more information, visit ReqTool website.

Cradle (ALM)

The complete requirements management solution for systems and process engineering projects. Cradle provides the state-of-the-art for requirements management tools, and integrates requirements management with full systems engineering support - including modelling, test management, risk management and formal configuration management and control.

For more information, visit Cradle website.

iRise (Requirements Management)

iRise is the platform that combines fast prototyping with simple, integrated requirements management to ensure you’re managing the right requirements and user stories. And by integrating with all leading ALM tools, including JIRA, Rally, and Microsoft TFS, your entire development team stays in sync.

iRise works with many of the most recognizable brands in the world, helping business and IT departments better communicate, collaborate, and ultimately deliver better software in less time. iRise allows all stakeholders to collaborate, adapt and innovate on their vision in real time throughout the entire software delivery process.

For more information, visit iRise website.

ProductVision (PLM)

The ProductVision® product development software is a product lifecycle management (PLM) system that manages all aspects of the product development process, from the initial concept through retirement. The ability to respond rapidly and accurately to market requirements is vital to the success of all process manufacturing companies. In addition, the products you introduce must meet increasingly complex industry and region-specific regulatory requirements. ProductVision automates and streamlines your product development process, and ensures that your products meet both the technical and regulatory demands in a competitive, global marketplace.

For more information, visit ProductVision website.

Creatly (Requirements Management & UI Design)

For over a decade, Creately has been a leader in the industry as a diagramming and visual collaboration platform, successfully reshaping how teams think and work together. 

And, today we are excited to announce the launch of a whole new Creately, aimed at addressing the multitude of challenges created by distributed teams, siloed processes, disjointed tools, and scattered information. 

For more information, visit Creatly website.

Airfocus (PLM)

Product management is hard. It varies from company to company, and product to product. That's why everything in airfocus is designed with flexibility in mind, so you can put together the tools that work for you.

Create a scoring framework that works for your team and allows you to frame your decision-making process into a conversation everyone can join.  Evaluate strategic items and opportunities based on a defined set of value and effort criteria to solve the right problems.

For more information, visit Airfocus website.

ACCELQ Unified (ALM)

Write and manage manual test cases for the functionality that may be too fluid for automation. Kick start your agile cycle with a UX focused test designer and execution engine.

Accelerate your testing cycle by seamlessly automating your functional tests. With AI driven test development and maintenance, everyone in the team can participate in test automation. Programming skill is not a barrier.

For more information, visit ACCELQ website.

Xebrio (Requirements Management)

Defining requirements is the first step to figuring out your end goal. In agile teams, requirements often change. The team requires one unified platform to track all changes and updates. Requirement management software becomes the need of the hour in such situations. Xebrio, one of the best requirement management tools, lets you manage requirements efficiently so that project execution begins in an organized manner and your team always stays on the right track.

For more information, visit Xebrio website.


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2022-05-01 10 Recently Showcased Requirements Management and ALM/PLM Software 10 Recently Showcased Requirements Management and ALM/PLM Software

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