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The C-Suite wants the chip industry to use PLM (Product Lifecycle Management), but are their issues different enough that a more specialized black-box approach would be better?

While many industiries such as Automotive, IoT, medical and others have adopted Product Lificyle Managament (PLM) platforms to manage many aspecs of their business, the semiconductor industry has been slower to such adoption.

Having said that, things are changing...

"The growing use of chips in the automotive, medical and Mil/Aero industries have added new types of requirements to the development flows, and while often seen as being a burden by the semiconductor development teams, PLM processes are being incorporated and treated as a prerequisite to get the business."

Semiconductor PLM

This article dives in and covers the following areas:

  • Defines what is PLM
  • Specifies how to integrate PLM and semiconductors
  • Advocoates for silo-busting to help with PLM adoption

 “Today, on the electronics and even more so on the IC side, it’s a handoff. At some point, somebody in PLM creates a document and gives it to engineering. Engineering goes and builds something based off that specification, and then they have a manual handoff back to PLM to record what actually got built. That’s the typical flow in electronics, and that’s very much the flow in IC today that I’ve seen.” - Mark Hepburn, Product Management and Engineering Director for Allegro Pulse at Cadence.

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2022-01-08 Product Lifecycle Management For Semiconductors Product Lifecycle Management For Semiconductors

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