Articles & Posts

Example Software Requirements Specification (SRS) Document

8 mins ' 18704 Views

This articles/reference covers in detail the sections and types of information contained in a Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document.  The SRS is a common artifact used by many organizations involved in software development activities and it is used to capture not just the scope...


7 Great Tips for Documenting Product Requirements

8 mins ' 5569 Views

"It's your shot at selling stakeholders on your vision.  Don't waste it." Product requirements are all around us and, in an agile world, it can be everywhere in your organization.  The expansive Product Requirements Documents (PRDs) are long gone and replaced by...


User Interface and Report Business Needs

10 mins ' 7625 Views 1 Comments

Part 6 of Dan Tasker’s Requirements in Context series discusses detailed business needs for a user interface (UI) or report, and capturing those needs as detailed requirements in a spreadsheet-based template for user interface.


5 INCOSE Guidelines That Every Requirement Engineer Should Know

4 mins ' 16953 Views

The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) outlines a number of guidelines for writing better requirements, 44 to be exact. From avoiding universal quantifiers, superfluous infinitives, and open-ended clauses, to maintaining consistency throughout the document - the INCOSE...

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Requirements for Embedded Systems

Written by Karl Wiegers

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