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Messages that on the surface may seem quite easy to communicate have a tendency to become distorted when they are passed on in a chain of participants. In addition, the degree of distortion often increases exponentially with the complexity of the message for each link in the chain. Product development organizations are generally no exception. The question is: how can this problem be minimized?

There are many answers to this within the product lifecycle management (PLM) business, but an interesting one is provided by Jama Software. This Portland-based company that was founded in 2007 has developed a platform solution, the Jama Product DevelopmentPlatform, that CEO Scott Roth claims,“Empowers large enterprises to accelerate development time, mitigate risk, slash complexity, and verify regulatory compliance.”

This may generally be true, but the main points in Jama’s offering is the tracking, requirements and software management capabilities that the platform provides—issues that today are frequently occuring in the development of modern products. In fact, these areas, together with things like BOM management (Bill of Materials), have evolved to a near-holygrail level in product realization.

“Almost every single company on the planet right now that has a physical product is thinking about how do they build software and connectivity into that product. Once you’re going down the path in trying to do that, the product development process gets really complicated. Tons of people[are] involved—people with different methodologies, hardware designers, software experts—all trying to work together to get the product out on the market. We help them to workthrough the product development process and increase the pace of innovation so that they can do this in a safe and structured manner,” explained the Jama chief.


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2019-05-05 Why the Holy Grail of Requirements and Software Management Paves the Way for Sub-PLM Specialists Why the Holy Grail of Requirements and Software Management Paves the Way for Sub-PLM Specialists

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