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You may be an aspiring product manager or may have been in that role for many years but do you know that it takes to be a great product manager?

Product management sounds glamorous.  You get to steer a product in any direction you want like the captain of a seaworthy vessel, weathering the storms and navigating your precious cargo to safety.  Or maybe you think that you're the CEO of the product and get to make all the decisions.  But is that the case?  Is that what makes a stellar product manager?

Want to Be a Stellar Product Manager?

In this great article Julia Austin, senior lecturer at Harvard Business Schools, identifies three key factors to consider when considering the product management role:

  • Core competencies
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Company fit

Focus on these three areas and you'll be way on your way to become the best product manager that you can be.

The author points out:

"Beyond shipping new features on a regular cadence and keeping the peace between engineering and the design team, the best PMs create products with strong user adoption that have exponential revenue growth and perhaps even disrupt an industry."

After covering the Core Competencies and Emotional Intelligence facets of the job, Julia spends the rest, and the bulk, of the article on a very good treatise of the importance of Company Fit:

  • Technical skills requirements
  • Company's Product Management philosophy
  • Stage of the company
  • Relationship between the Product Manager and the C-suite

"There are, of course, many other factors to consider for any role, such as the type of product you are building (B2B, B2C, industry), the people with whom you’ll work, the overall company culture (diverse, inclusive, flexible work hours, remote culture), and, of course, the compensation and benefits."  - Julia Austin

Continue reading at Harvard Business Review

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2019-12-31 Want to Be a Stellar Product Manager? Find the Right Company… Want to Be a Stellar Product Manager?  Find the Right Company…

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