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This article tackles how successful organizations can use product managers with the right skills as change agents in real digital transformations.  The focus is on those product managers who are adept at feature and task prioritization.

The pandemic lockdowns and shift to remote work have placed an even greater emphasis on technology and the need for organizations across industries to embark on and success at critical and strategic digital transformations.  Of course, embarking in large-scale transformations is one thing, actually succeeding is another story. According to a survey and report from HCL, 35 percent of respondents cited lack of internal capabilities as a major roadblock while 31 percent identified as organization's cultural mindset as a barrier to successful digital initiatvies.

"Product professionals (product owners or product managers) are better suited to understand that digital transformation is a continuous, long-term process with iterations that last longer than a mere few weeks or months. They’re data-driven, cross-functional, customer-centric, and open to learning constantly. Organizations must empower these product professionals to bring about actual change." - Ananth Subramanya

Where Product Managers Can Shine - Digital Transformations

In this article, Ananth Subramanya tackles the role the product managers can play to help organizations succeed.   The following key items are covered:

  • Why only small percentages of digital transformations succeed
  • Why product-centric transformations are better than project-centric
  • How product managers can be the drivers for digital transformations
  • How product managers can use data to help transformations succeed


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2021-11-26 Where Product Managers Can Shine Where Product Managers Can Shine

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