Articles & Posts

Keeping High-Level Requirements High-Level

5 mins ' 8465 Views

The objective of this article is to provide business analysts with guidelines for distinguishing between high-level requirements (HLRs) and detail requirements (in IIBA® BABOK® V3 terms – Stakeholder requirements and Solution requirements respectively).


Why the Holy Grail of Requirements and Software Management Paves the Way for Sub-PLM Specialists

5 mins ' 3524 Views

Messages that on the surface may seem quite easy to communicate have a tendency to become distorted when they are passed on in a chain of participants. In addition, the degree of distortion often increases exponentially with the complexity of the message for each link in the chain. Product...


Agile Requirements Engineering: An Empirical Analysis and Evidence from a Tertiary Education Context

5 mins ' 26848 Views 1 Comments

Requirements Engineering (RE) in agile development contexts is considerably different than in traditional software development. The field of agile RE is still nascent where there is a need to evaluate its impact in real-world settings.


How to Write and Structure Worthwhile SRS Documentation

3 mins ' 4101 Views

A little creativity goes a long way for developers and testers, who often think of many feasible ways to build or evaluate software. However, they must stay in line with specifications, which detail how a software ultimately will work.


5 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Software Development Team

4 mins ' 3381 Views

Whether a business has just started out or is soaring high into the sky, software is a critical part of any business. And rest assured, if you want to run a successful business and compete with the data-driven digital world, you need software. If you have the required resources for software...


Determining the Top Down Business Requirements for Deploying IoT

3 mins ' 4060 Views

When building an IoT solution, you need to focus on what your target audience wants to use. To ensure that customers embrace your product, begin your journey by clearly defining your business requirements from the top down. Whether you're a service provider or an enterprise building IoT...

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How does DISA evaluate new service and capability requirements?

FEATURED 2 mins ' 4144 Views

The Requirements and Analysis Office (RAO) reviews and defines requirements and provides recommendations for implementing new services and capabilities by working with the agency’s senior leadership, program management offices, and mission partners. RAO facilitates the requirements...


Managing functional safety in complex automotive supply chains

3 mins ' 3687 Views

Especially for organizations in Silicon Valley and elsewhere that are just entering the automotive marketplace, implementing strict requirements management and complying with standards such as ISO 26262 are new ventures. Whereas industries such as consumer electronics are more forgiving to...


Why Digital Transformation Can’t Happen without Experimentation

2 mins ' 3886 Views

A sure sign of a company’s successful digital transformation is when it can leverage data to optimize every area within the enterprise. As Forrester puts it, for a company to realize the return on investment (ROI) of a digital investment, “benefits from digital investments...

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Requirements for Embedded Systems

Written by Karl Wiegers

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