All About Requirements

Agile Requirements Engineering: An Empirical Analysis and Evidence from a Tertiary Education Context

Articles and Posts 5 mins ' 24866 Views 1 Comments

Requirements Engineering (RE) in agile development contexts is considerably different than in traditional software development. The field of agile RE is still nascent where there is a need to evaluate its impact in real-world settings.


Webinar: Requirements in Context

Videos and Webinars 8178 Views

Learn how to improve your practice using effective methods, techniques, and tools. In this webinar you will learn insights, methods, techniques and tools used by a proven and pragmatic journeyman Business Architect Learn how to become a highly effective Business Analyst and save your...


Webinar: Functional vs. Nonfunctional Requirements

Videos and Webinars 7287 Views

In this webinar, Mark Monteleone describes and compares functional and nonfunctional requirements and how to document them using declaratives, user stories, and use cases in the context of software applications. Mark starts the webinar by briefly reviewing the source of business needs;...


Webinar: Elements of Requirements Style

Videos and Webinars 4684 Views

This presentation describes numerous techniques for writing software functional requirements, focused on the core objective of clear and effective communication. You’ll see multiple styles of writing functional requirements and you'll learn many vague “weak words” to avoid


How to Write and Structure Worthwhile SRS Documentation

Articles and Posts 3 mins ' 3491 Views

A little creativity goes a long way for developers and testers, who often think of many feasible ways to build or evaluate software. However, they must stay in line with specifications, which detail how a software ultimately will work.


5 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Software Development Team

Articles and Posts 4 mins ' 2763 Views

Whether a business has just started out or is soaring high into the sky, software is a critical part of any business. And rest assured, if you want to run a successful business and compete with the data-driven digital world, you need software. If you have the required resources for software...


Determining the Top Down Business Requirements for Deploying IoT

Articles and Posts 3 mins ' 3405 Views

When building an IoT solution, you need to focus on what your target audience wants to use. To ensure that customers embrace your product, begin your journey by clearly defining your business requirements from the top down. Whether you're a service provider or an enterprise building IoT...


Humor: Requirements Priority

On the Lighter Side 4086 Views

Requirements Gathering and Intake by the Business Analysis Office: High Priority Requirements & Low Priority Requirements...


Humor: How Requirements Gathering Really Works

On the Lighter Side 4391 Views

Humor/Cartoon: How stakeholders think requirements gathering works  vs.  How requirements gathering really works. 


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How does DISA evaluate new service and capability requirements?

FEATURED Articles and Posts 2 mins ' 3497 Views

The Requirements and Analysis Office (RAO) reviews and defines requirements and provides recommendations for implementing new services and capabilities by working with the agency’s senior leadership, program management offices, and mission partners. RAO facilitates the requirements...


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