All About Requirements

Requirements Within an Organization’s Functional Context

Articles and Posts 4 mins ' 5517 Views

Having established “Business Information Systems” as the context for his series of articles on requirements, Dan Tasker introduces a three-level generic functional model applicable to any organization. The highest level, considered to be “… a view from 10,000...


Middle-Out or Inside-Out Systems Engineering

News 4 mins ' 5527 Views

What do you do when you're tasked with modifying a larger existing platform or when there is no time for a top-down or buttom-up design approach?  The answer may just be Middle-Out Design also known as Inside-Out Design.


So... What is Design Thinking?

Articles and Posts 7 mins ' 4750 Views

Why Design Thinking?  Because it's time we stop assuming what the customer wants, how the user might use your product, or that we know the best way to solve a given problem. While the concept of design thinking has been around for a while, the advent of the digital...


Want to Be a Stellar Product Manager? Find the Right Company…

Articles and Posts 6 mins ' 4986 Views

You may be an aspiring product manager or may have been in that role for many years but do you know that it takes to be a great product manager? Product management sounds glamorous.  You get to steer a product in any direction you want like the captain of a seaworthy vessel, weathering...


What's Your Risk Tolerance when Validating Requirements

Articles and Posts 8 mins ' 5183 Views

In this article, Mark Monteleone tackles the topic of risk tolerance in the context of requirements validation and review. Regardless of methodology (waterfall, agile, scrum-fall), it is common for project stakeholders or their proxies (ex: product owners) to be asked to sign-off, one way or...


Visure Requirements Management ALM - For Everyone

News 3 mins ' 4933 Views

Visure Solutions announces their  new, easy-to-use, web-based, User Interface for Requirements Management.  The new Visure Web Reviewer 5.0 intuititve interface targets all types of users (technical and non-technical stakeholders).


Requirements for Embedded Systems

Articles and Posts 8 mins ' 19042 Views

Many of us are accustomed to dealing with requirements in the context of software products which run on a personal computer. But what about software that are used by the various other electronic devices around us: driver-less cars, manufacturing robots, your smart home devices, etc? In this...


Context is Everything... When It Comes to Requirements

Articles and Posts 4 mins ' 5849 Views 1 Comments

"Context is everything"... at least when it comes to requirements. Regardless of the software development methodology used, the need to deal with requirements is real.  Whether they are called user stories, features, capabilities, use cases, or any other name - understanding,...


What is Requirements Traceability?

What is...T 7 mins ' 71860 Views 2 Comments

Requirements traceability refers to the capability of a requirements management process or tool which enables the process participant or tool user to follow the life of a requirement both forwards and backwards.  It also refers the the ability to link requirements (via specific...


Customer Success Manager (CSM) - A New Role?

Articles and Posts 5 mins ' 4784 Views

Does your firm have Customer Success Managers?  If not, maybe it should!

The Customer Success Manager (CSM) role is a relatively new, yet growing, job role used by companies offering more complex products and service offerings. 


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