All About Requirements

Become a Digital Design Professional - You can start today!

News 5 mins ' 5177 Views

Digitalization needs professionals: This fact becomes more and more urgent as the digital transformation is ongoing. IREB tackled this fact and we are happy to announce our brand new syllabus for the Digital Design Professional education.


Requirements In Context – The Series

Articles and Posts 4 mins ' 10602 Views

The primary objective of the Requirements In Context series is to help business analysts improve their elicitation and documentation of requirements. It does this by providing a clear distinction between high-level and detailed requirements and, for detailed requirements, offering...


The Data Architect Role: All you need to know...

Articles and Posts 5 mins ' 6451 Views

The data architect plays a critical role in today's enterprise.  Data, and large amounts of it, is more ubiquitous than ever especially in tech savvy organizations and all large enterprises.  They are charged with establishing, deploying, managing, and enforcing an...


BizOps Manifesto

FEATURED Articles and Posts 3 mins ' 5335 Views

Have you heard of the BizOps Manifesto yet? If not, you better get on the bandwagon as the brightest minds in business and technology are getting behind it.   They are not just using BizOps in their businesses but they banded together to declare the BizOps Manifesto. ...


Free Product Management Training from a Nonprofit Organization

Articles and Posts 3 mins ' 5056 Views

Product Management abilities are some of the most in demand skills product and technology companies are looking for.  However, comprehensive and real-world training options are either very expensive or very hard to find.   The good news is that Advancing Women in Product...


INCOSE - Managing Requirements for Design - Pamphlet

Articles and Posts 5347 Views

This leaflet is part of a series intended as a brief introduction to the application of systems engineering approaches to infrastructure projects. It was developed by the International Council On Systems Engineering (INCOSE) Infrastructure Working Group in the interest of aiding industry.


Webinar: Best Practices for Managing Requirements

Videos and Webinars 12603 Views

Requirements development deals with getting good software requirements. Requirements management addresses the challenges of handling these requirements as the project proceeds over time. This presentation summarizes several best practices for requirements management. 


Webinar: Stop Gathering Requirements

Videos and Webinars 9849 Views

Are you still "gathering requirements"? In this world of agile software development where requirements have been absorbed and marginalized by user stories, epics, product backlogs, and direct conversation between the business stakeholders and the solution team, "gathering...


5-Point Strategy for Superior Warehouse Automation

Articles and Posts 5 mins ' 4142 Views

In the wake of COVID-19, business analysts in the retail sector under pressure, more than ever, to find ways to splify, streamline, and automate all retail processes in order to sqeeze every ounce of savings.  Effective supply chain processes are critical to the survival of many retails and...


Requirement [Definition]

FEATURED What is...R 2 mins ' 19517 Views

requirement [definition]  noun


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